Lab Gab: My New Show

Well, amongst friends back here at the blog, I'm happy to release my new show, Lab Gab. Okay, yes, dorky title but seriously, got a better idea? (And, seriously, I actually am a dork.) It's hard coming up with the name of shows. At least it is more original than what I did here at the blog, EdjuristTV.
Anyway, as some of you know, I have been devoting a lot of time lately to a new project here at the COE called P20. Actually, it's called the Kentucky P20 Innovation Lab: A Partnership for Next Generation Learning. You can read more about it here. I think my official title is the Director of the Technology Leadership Lab, but I can't be sure yet. Chances are pretty high this is going to get me fired (anyone need a school law guy with tech skills, keep me in mind!) but it's fun, I think it can help, and we only live once so I'm doing it. Hopefully the twins will be at least a couple years old before the whole thing officially fails and they run me out of Kentucky on a rail, so moving won't be so hard on them and they'll never know the shame their daddy had in the Commonwealth. (Kidding, of course, you Kentucky folks -- don't be so serious!).
So, as part of P20 we are working with the Kentucky Department of Education on developing a new learning platform using the iTunes U format. Lot's of universities have developed this kind of platform, but P12 is just starting to get into it and Kentucky will be a leader on this front. But, the new platform is going to need a content stream and I had been thinking of starting a new show lately anyway, so I thought I would take advantage of this fortuitous happenstance. I did include a legal component (called "Let's get Legal with It"
So, without further ado .... I present Episode 1 of Lab Gab.
Risking even further embarrassment, I'd be interested in your thoughts. Good, bad, otherwise. It'll be a weekly thing, so you'll have to endure more of it at least until I generate a substantial audience of it's own.
If you are really weird and happen to like it, you can subscribe to the show via iTunes, miro, channels, or just simple old rss (show page) or rss (Lab Gab blog and comments).
Aren't we living in fun times? When a professor can thoroughly embarrass himself to the whole world so cheaply?