Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 12:31PM
Justin Bathon in Governance, Justin Bathon, RttT, Technology & Internet, arne duncan, just do it, race to the top, race to the top pep talk
So, just announced minutes ago were the finalists for Race to the Top (announced on Twitter by @EdPressSec). Here's Arne:
So, Kentucky (surprisingly I think) is in. I started writing this post 1/2 hour before the announcement thinking Kentucky would be out and I would need to sooth some feelings around here. But, while I am happy Kentucky is still in the running, I do still want to sooth the feelings of folks in the other states that applied and missed. So, here we go:
Don't forget we are living in extraordinary times when the cost of innovation has never been lower. It is easier to collaborate and disseminate now, than at any time in recorded history - meaning the price of the tools that you need to make change in your states is probably close to zero. The cost of the announcement above? Zero. Keep that in mind.
Many of the changes we need in schools, don't cost a lot. It doesn't cost much to let teachers be more creative. It doesn't cost much to let students use their cell phones as learning tools. It doesn't cost much to get your classroom content in the kids home via Moodle. It doesn't cost much to personalize learning for kids. We think these things cost a lot and they do, but those costs are not monetary costs, they are time and effort costs. And, while I wish we could pay our teachers more too, most teachers are wonderful human beings who would put in that time and effort if our leaders help them in doing so.
Make your own resources (money, time, & effort)! You need $500 for some new software? Ask your parents. Ask your local grocery store. Hell, ask us at universities! But, when you are asking them, don't just ask and walk away. Involve these people! Let them help run it. Let them talk to the kids. It's amazing how much people are willing to help if you involve them as collaborators (reference point #1). Oftentimes, they don't even want to put their name on it, they just want to feel like they are making a difference.
Be a leader. I'm convinced the problem in most states is that there are truly not enough real leaders. The kind that understand where real value lies (which is almost always not in the bottom line). If your reading this blog, you know something about technology. That's probably at least 50% more than most of our educators out there. Start with that. Start by organizing a few fellow teachers or principals and talking about whether or not a blog could be useful in a classroom. And, let it roll from there. Step up to the plate people. We need you. And for the love of God, please don't be afraid to fail.
Help your departments try again. I'm one of those wacky people out there that actually like state departments of education. I worked with them my whole career and those people are good people. But, they function in very tight political spaces. They are almost always overworked. Almost always overwhelmed. So, they need help. Not in terms of writing the document (although they always welcome edits), but they need ideas. They need projects. They need people that can step up and lead a state effort. They need people that can help get the signatures from all the districts in the state. And parents groups. And teacher groups. And business groups. That's just a heck of a lot of work, and they need help. So, want more money for your state? Go help get it yourself.
Just do it. Just freaking go do it. Got an idea? Just do it. You don't need approval. You don't need authorization. You don't need money. You don't need a policy written (remember, that's coming from a lawyer). Find a way. There is always a way. Yes, maybe you have to sit in a board meeting and explain your plan. Yes, maybe some won't like it. Who cares? Who freaking cares? I tell people around here I don't care about tenure. They look at me funny and think I don't mean it. But, I do. I do not want to spend my life worrying about bureaucracy. I'm going to spend it doing what I love to do, whether or not that meshes with my institution matters little to me as there are a lot of institutions and not a lot of people who do what I do. If you are bringing value to the table, there will always be a demand for you. So, your focus should be on bringing value to the table, not on pleasing your institution. In other words, just freaking do it. The rest will take care of itself.
So, that's it. That's my pep talk. It was a rough day for education in at least 1/2 the states today, but there is always opportunity in adversity. If it winds up that missing out on Race to the Top causes even a few of you in your state to finally decide to lay it totally on the line and go after the change you visualize, then the better result was missing it. It's not about the money, it's about the kids. And, with all the technology and tools in today's world, it's easier than ever to help them.
Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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