Some more ed. law blogs

The Ed. Law Blogosphere continues to grow. That is not to say we haven't lost a few along the way, but nevertheless it is nice to continually see new folks around the country trying their hand.
So, here are some I want to point out to you. All of them have existed for a while, but I wanted to be sure that I featured them as I add them to my blogroll.
I have been enjoying a great conversation with Nancy Willard and Mike Tully the last couple of days (which should eventually be posted in the blogosphere somewhere), so I want to point out their blogs:
Substantial Disruption is Mike Tully's blog. Mike cut his blogging teeth on the old At the Schoolhouse Gate, the previous CASTLE ed. law blog. - Mike links to a lot of good articles on various speech and bullying issues.
Nancy Willard's Weblog, from the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use. Nancy's posts are usually lengthier posts that examine an issue in depth and correspond with her consulting work around the country.
Also, the state specific ed. law blogosphere continues to expand. The latest entrant, and one I am sort of excited about, is the Northwest Education Law Blog, which is published by a team from the Williams Kastner law firm that serves Portland, Seattle and surrounding markets. I am excited to have an ed. law blog representing the Northwest because quite a few good cases come out of there.
And finally, we have Jeff Marcus, who is blogging on N.Y. related special education law issues at Developments in Special Education Law. He pulls largely from special education hearing officer decisions, which is sort of an untapped area of education law in general.
As always, if I have left anyone out, just let me know here at the blog or you can contact me. My searching of the blogosphere is not what it used to be, so don't feel bad pointing out your work to me.
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