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Some Butt-Art Video

I hadn't come across this video before on the Stephen Murmer, butt-art case and settlement. If you are new the case (lucky you) here is the background, the complaint, the school press release and the settlement. This is one of those classic cases that we ed. law professors are going to be citing for decades to come. 


Reader Comments (1)

I love that he made Delra Marlow's face with his butt!
Since the Chesterfield County school system knew of Murmer's "artistic activities, including his technique of using his buttocks to create paintings" and condoned it for at least two years before firing him, I understand the school's need to settle.
I wish the teacher had brought the case to trial. I really want to know what the outcome would have been.

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteraffiDavid

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