"Put Christ Back Into Schools" Facebook Group - Really?

The "Put Christ Back Into Schools" Facebook group is almost at a million members. Their position statement:
- Allow Teaching of and only the Bible by teachers at any time to students anytime.
- Allowing the Bible (and only the Bible) to be an elective in all schools, and not forced upon.
They also ask:
According 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, every person has the right to religion. Why is praying/reading of the Bible not allowed in most schools?
Oh ... I don't know ... how about the other clause in that Amendment ... the one on the government not establishing a religion? Allowing teachers to read the Bible, and only the Bible, in public school classrooms is about as close to establishing a religion as you can get.
Now, I would really hesitate to believe that a million people support a public school teacher force feeding a Muslim student Bible passages - yet, that is the impression that you get when you see it. I love social media, but one of the drawbacks is that the more extreme the group, the more likely it is that they get a ton of followers. So, this is a great example of why it is important to understand social media before you can assign small elements of it (inaccurate) meaning.

Reader Comments (6)
Great post.
I have found that most people who quote the first amendment don't actually understand it at all!
Case in point, I received a chain email and phone call from my grandmother about schools not allowing students to read the Bible or Pray in their free time.
My response...the constitution cannot prohibit a private citizen from reading or praying...it can only prohibit government, i.e. school teachers, administrators, etc. Students are free to pray or read given that it is not interfering with the school day!
Again, thanks for the post!
I'm not happy but I'm not surprised about this issue. When we have a liberal White House, the conservative base is going to begin gaining momentum at the grassroots level. I think this is just a case of the ultra conservative religious right challenging the current liberal power base.
What is sad is the angry refusal to see the Truth in world. Funny to think that Right wing conservative Christians have much in common from a psychological angle with 9/11 Truthers. They should create a new facebook group "People who hold to their insane opinions, even in the light of contradictory evidence."
I assume this is one way to put JC back in schools:
Wow, great one. Thanks for the tip. Saving souls directly - I like the audacity.
Let's remember people anyone can sign this petition. I know for a fact 2 nieve and uniformed children have signed it. The religious right already have thier private schools for their heaven bound gifts from GOD. Why must they still invade our public schools which in reality need financial help. No amount of prayer will buy books and desks.