The "Put Christ Back Into Schools" Facebook group is almost at a million members. Their position statement:
They also ask:
According 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, every person has the right to religion. Why is praying/reading of the Bible not allowed in most schools?
Oh ... I don't know ... how about the other clause in that Amendment ... the one on the government not establishing a religion? Allowing teachers to read the Bible, and only the Bible, in public school classrooms is about as close to establishing a religion as you can get.
Now, I would really hesitate to believe that a million people support a public school teacher force feeding a Muslim student Bible passages - yet, that is the impression that you get when you see it. I love social media, but one of the drawbacks is that the more extreme the group, the more likely it is that they get a ton of followers. So, this is a great example of why it is important to understand social media before you can assign small elements of it (inaccurate) meaning.