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New Pro-Evolution Report

Making news the past couple of days is a new report out from the National Academy of Sciences. The report questions creationism's continuing presence in discussions of science curriculum. It has some pretty strong things to say about creationism and intelligent design (including below) and no doubt will be used by advocates on both sides for many years to come. This issue just gets more interesting all the time.

Reader Comments (2)

qmuqpcbk">">qmuqpcbk smbnazsg fsxosjhu gvirqqsy [URL=]tadxwsmf[/URL]
January 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterxtxzvqfz
[URL=]wbhrfdnp[/URL] ccbfogoo">">ccbfogoo oicuiufl vocsvpqg xhpbrnpy
January 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermdxjsllw

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