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Weekend Snippets: What Should I Do With the Snippets?

I am trying to figure out what to do with the snippets, as my Friday's are becoming increasingly packed with meetings. I got a few ideas, but I would like to hear from all of you about what you think I should do. Whether you prefer the snippets on Friday or some other day, or not at all. I would love to pass this off to a graduate student, but I don't have a graduate student ... yet. So, especially any graduate students out there across the country that might be interested should contact me.

Anyway, a few for the weekend.

Ohio may be the next to ban corporal punishment. Not sure why states are so slow to adopt these.

I like this parent leave bill in Colorado. This could actually help the schools quite a bit.

Being a former Saluki, I am especially pleased by this announcement.

Georgia gets a voucher bill - although I'm unsure of it support.

A sign of the times at William and Mary (in honor of Scott McLeod - an alumnus).

Another state cyberbullying law proposal.

But, a proposal in Connecticut for more due process for students labeled bullies.

A little fun: Starting to Get Ready for the Derby. It's a little early, but you gotta like Midshipman's record, but I am not sure how that trip to Dubai will wear on him. Had he stayed in the States, he would be looking like a favorite at this point.

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