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Showing on Education, But Not Telling

President Obama today is going to devote a little time to education. I say a little because this is just for show - nothing is actually happening, don't worry. 

But, this will probably advance the national standards debate a little further because it seems he plans to hint at that in the speech. He'll also mention merit pay again, but until something is actually on the table, it is hard for me to get too excited about any of this.

The administration is going to have to get far more serious about education before I start to care. The stimulus money was helpful and we are just now beginning to see everything it was being spent on, so I am not going to speak ill of them yet. But the lip service is getting a little old (but, like I said before, maybe its for the best anyway).   

I'll post a link to the speech when it is available. 

Update: Full Video

AP Video Cut of the Speech - AP Story

Whitehouse Blog


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