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Rose at 20: Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear

Over the course of the next couple weeks, I'll be releasing the videos from the Rose at 20 event in Louisville celebrating the Rose v. Council for Better Education case. This event was a partnership between the UK College of Education, College and Law, Kentucky Law Journal, and the Education Law Association, with funding provided by Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs.

Today, the first of those is the Governor of Kentucky, Steve Beshear. The first part of this speech, really the first 7-8 minutes, is absolute gold. I was really highly impressed with the Governor and he was really being honest in his statements because he was a player in the litigation as the Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky around the time of the case. He brought a good deal of political heft and class to the event. Enjoy:

Rose at 20: Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear from UK College of Education on Vimeo.


Thanks to Brad Duncan for doing the video recording and processing. 

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