P20 Website & Next Generation Learning Summit

So, we launched the P20 website over the weekend. I know some of you have been wondering about it, so the new one is now out and there is space for feedback and whatnot. I'll have more news in the coming weeks about the companion network that is also launching and how to participate in it. Let me know any thoughts you have about the site.
More importantly, though, tomorrow is a statewide superintendent summit on next generation learning. The Stupski Foundation really stepped up to the plate and worked with us to make this happen, so a big thank you to them. Also, KDE staff have been the chief organizers - even through a transition - so it really took a lot of pressure off of us at UK. Also, we also have to acknowledge the leadership of CCSSO, especially in merging the interests of Kentucky, the national priorities and the priorities of the Stupski Foundation.
Kentucky is pretty much going all in on Next Generation Learning ... to the extent that all the new positions at KDE have it in the title. They even have a new director of innovation, David Cook, who is our primary partner in Frankfort. Our Governor, Steve Beshear, is even getting behind the effort. And, our former Commissioner who is now in Washington, Gene Wilhoit, is helping to guide the Kentucky effort. Kentucky might have been passed over by Washington, but we know what we can do here ... and we are going to do it with or without outside support. There are so many good people, so many innovators, that the surprise to me would be if Kentucky doesn't substantially move the innovation needle.
So, tomorrow I'll be tweeting with the hashtag #kynxgl if you want to follow along and ask questions.
Glad to get this ball rolling ... we'll see where it goes.