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From the Blogs

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New Education Law Blog

It is not that often that I get to announce a GREAT new outlet for education law news and resources, but today I do in the form of the Education Law Prof Blog. The blog is part of the Law Prof Blog network and is written primarily by Derek Black of the University of South Carolina Law School and LaJuana Davis of Samford University with occassional posts by Areto Imoukhuede of Nova Southeastern Law School. You absolutely must add it to your readers (and, remember, Google Reader is going away soon, so please switch to Feedly). 

I feel like this blog was the exact blog that I expected to exist way back in 2004 when I first searched googled "education law blog" and found nothing (and this started this one). I am glad that we finally have a presence at that law professor level (besides with this blog) and I hope that education law continues to be taken more seriously by those in the legal academy. 

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for the mention and the kind words. Your blog is a great resource for us.- LD

June 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLaJuana Davis
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