More Data Needed: State Special Education Due Process Systems

The latest 50 state (even then it was only 44 state) data on special education due process systems is from 2001.
Specifically, I wanted to know the number of states running two-tier due process systems (and maybe even make a pretty map for the blog). But, no data. In 2001 it was in the teens, but dropping. Where is it now? I'm not sure anyone knows.
Eileen Ahearn, who has done fabulous work in the past, did the 2001 study in which she sent a survey out to the 50 state directors of special education. That report was under the auspices of Project Forum, in conjunction with NASDSE, who I am sure would love to partner to do the study again if anyone was interested. I'd even offer to provide assistance because I would really like more data on these systems.
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