Education Law Job Guide

I ran across this very nice guide on the Education Law field from Harvard Law and thought it was worth passing along to those that might have interest in a future career in education law.
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The information on this site does not constitute legal advice and is for educational purposes only. If you have a dispute or legal problem, please consult an attorney licensed to practice law in your state. Additionally, the information and views presented on this blog are solely the responsibility of Justin Bathon personally, or the other contributors, personally, and do not represent the views of the University of Kentucky or the institutional employer of any of the contributing editors.
I ran across this very nice guide on the Education Law field from Harvard Law and thought it was worth passing along to those that might have interest in a future career in education law.
Had a wonderful time today at the Private School Law Conference in Lexington that was sponsored by the Education Law Association. Huge Kudos to Bill Thro and Cate Smith for helping to make this possible. Ralph Mawdsley, Charlie Russo, myself, and Bryan Beauman of Sturgill Turner were the presenters. Trinity Christian Academy hosted the event at their lovely facility.
I was really glad to see this event because we do not, as a field, do enough for private, independent, and religious schools. The laws really are quite different from public schools, so we need to do more. Hopefully this is a great start and something that can be sustained.
James Ryan officially began his duties as the new Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education a few days ago. You can see the release naming him the new Dean here. His podcast upon starting the job is here.
I am really excited to see his promotion and wish him the best of luck (frankly I am sort of happy to see HGSE finally employ a full-time law scholar). He is just the next in a long line of education law scholars assuming very high level leadership positions within the field of education in the United States ... and I think that is a very positive thing for all of us. Hopefully James will provide leadership not only to HGSE but to education colleges broadly who frequently look to Harvard for precedence.