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Ed. Law Scholar Assumes Deanship of Harvard Graduate School of Education

James Ryan officially began his duties as the new Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education a few days ago. You can see the release naming him the new Dean here. His podcast upon starting the job is here

I am really excited to see his promotion and wish him the best of luck (frankly I am sort of happy to see HGSE finally employ a full-time law scholar). He is just the next in a long line of education law scholars assuming very high level leadership positions within the field of education in the United States ... and I think that is a very positive thing for all of us. Hopefully James will provide leadership not only to HGSE but to education colleges broadly who frequently look to Harvard for precedence. 

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    The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law - Blog - Ed. Law Scholar Assumes Deanship of Harvard Graduate School of Education
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    The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law - Blog - Ed. Law Scholar Assumes Deanship of Harvard Graduate School of Education
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    The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law - Blog - Ed. Law Scholar Assumes Deanship of Harvard Graduate School of Education
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    The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law - Blog - Ed. Law Scholar Assumes Deanship of Harvard Graduate School of Education