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Let's Have Another Sexting Story! 

Maybe we should let newspapers die.

There's another AP sexting story all over the country's newspapers today. It was not responding to any particular event that just happened yesterday, they just ran one to run one and local papers picked it up. 

This is a big part of why schools are struggling with technology. The newspapers just keep pushing the angle until they make every last penny off scaring people away from this stuff. 

I don't mean to discount the sexting issue, it is a legitimate issue, but one that is blown way out of proportion in my eyes. They got everyone in such a hype over this that we have child pornography laws being changed to charge kids with sexual assault. Luckily, we still have some judges with common sense, but that is not going to stop it.  

I hope this controversy dies down over the summer and in the fall we actually take a realistic look at how we can do a better job on technology usage education for our children.  


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