Introducing Rich Haglund – Guestblogging on Time (in Law and Education)

Just wanted to make readers aware of our next series here at the Edjurist, Time in Law and Education, which will be authored by Rich Haglund. Rich is currently the General Counsel to the Tennessee State Board of Education and he has also worked for the Tennessee Attorney General’s Office on education issues. Rich is also co-editor of the School Law Reporter, the monthly case summary publication from the Education Law Association. Rich additionally founded Athademic, a participating organization in the Open Source Teaching Project. Rich got his B.A. from Boston University and his J.D. from Vanderbilt. You can learn a little about Rich (and about what a State Board of Education General Counsel does) in this interview.
The series will address how schools use time with recommendations about how it can be used more effectively. Rich also will make comparisons between how time is used and compensated in law as compared to the educational system. I got a preview of the series and it should stimulate some thought amongst Edjurist readers, especially in how some of his recommendations would play out from a legal and policy standpoint. Should be a great series.

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