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Justin Bathonon Friday, September 26, 2008 at 2:49PM
We are sure living in some interesting times, no? Everyday lately we get word of news that would have consumed months of newscycles. Last night hearing that Washington Mutual failed ... I didn't even blink - this is old hat by now. What are we going to do next year when all this settles down again?
Georgia's school funding suits take an odd new turn. The Governor has asked for an inquiry of whether districts may use taxpayer dollars to fund these lawsuits.
A new ed. law blog to report this week: Developments in Special Education Law. H. Jeffrey Marcus has been posting for a while, but I just came across him now. He seems good at providing briefs on special education cases that come down. I added him to my blogroll. If you know of other ed. law blogs I don't have in my blogroll, please let me know.
Friday Fun: Apparently, its a bad idea to lie to David Letterman - especially when he finds out in the middle of the show. I love Keith Olberman's face during this whole thing. Like I said, we live in interesting times lately.
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