Friday Snippets: 9/12/08 - The Palin Chronicles

Here is a story you didn't see on the front page, but it should have been.
It is hard not to feel bad for California's schools. Legislators won't reach a budget, plus another education secretary resigns this week. There seems to be a real lack of leadership at the state level ... ahem, governator?
The Paducah shooter is asking for a new sentence.
Testimony in the S.D. School Finance suit continues. Montana's school funding suit goes back to court.
In Arkansas, a law prohibiting sex between teachers and students is upheld, even if the student is over 18.
The Chicago $$ reward system.
The judge in the NJ school administrator pay and pension lawsuit is hoping for a settlement.
No advertising on public school buses in S.C. - hadn't heard of that before.
Rumblings under the surface in the Utah voucher epic.
Ken Starr just can't seem to stay away from education. (Couldn't he prosecute a President or something ... maybe one that lied to the American public?)
Student loan companies get an ethics code.
A Pennsylvania property tax constitutional challenge case is heard.
This is interesting ... if I ever find myself on death row ... no way am I going to burn.
A group in Indiana suggests free community college.
And, a group of Palin inspired stories:
Paying for praying for pipelines in Alaska.
Sex Ed. ... (1) ... (2) ...
If you want to talk more about Palin or any education aspects of the election, feel free to do so in the forum.
Around the Blogosphere:
Mark Walsh has this interesting panel discussion. I am going to try to make it, but I have a different meeting scheduled against it at the moment.
Mark also has another black armbands case.
Erin B. has an update on the Title IX case before the Supreme Court this term. This is going to be a very important case, so keep an eye on this one and I will have more on it as it gets closer.
Howard F. has another Good News Club case, this one out of Minnesota.
Jim Gerl is getting impatient with our Candidate Request and starting to make quips ... "Is pig lipstick more important than special education"
Dan Meyer is upset with a recent statement by the unions ... and sets the blogosphere abuzz.
For your Friday Fun:
BoardBuzz pointed us to this latest astounding presentation by Michael Wesch. The Superstar Anthropology Professor from K-State on the Anthropology of YouTube.
Google Document Link:Friday Snippets: 9/12/08
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