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Friday Snippets - 9/05/08: Is this election over yet?

Great NPR spot this week on sexy student clothing ... and what to do about it (audio).

Well, my pleading with the campaign posters at Eduwonk has gone unanswered ... again. This time by the Obama Campaign. There must be some kind of secret truce or something between the parties that they will not address special education under any circumstances.

California administrator associations are challenging the state's 8th grade algebra requirement.

The Prichard Committee here in town thinks Kentucky should be a top 20 education state by 2020 (we have a lot of top 20 goals around here).

The voucher question is back OFF the ballot in Florida.

The Chicago School Boycott has even conservative sources recognizing the funding disparities. NPR took note as well.

The Palin choice has reignited sex-ed debates in North Carolina.

New York City adopts an anti-bullying policy based on biases, sexual orientation included.

The ACLU is taking a stand against schools asking about immigration status.

The South Dakota school funding lawsuit starts.

More on bible classes.

Around the Blogosphere

Erin Buzuvis makes a good point about Title IX and football.

Mitchell R. has a 10th Circuit ruling that FAPE does not necessitate self sufficiency outside of school.

Jim Gerl has IEP Implementation part III.

Texas Teacher Law has a Texas teacher certification Q and A.

For your Friday Fun: Its Time for Some Campaigning -- In honor of the conventions finishing up. h/t Matthew Reed

Google document link: Friday Snippets - 9/05/08: Is this election over yet?

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