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Friday Snippets - 1/23/08 - A Moment of Silence for the Moment of Silence

First, sorry to go Saturday style on you again, but I was busy yesterday and I wanted to be sure that everyone read Rich Haglund's posts on time in law and education. You can read the whole scholarly series here.

Alright, let's do it:

Call me Arne.

Texas decides that teachers don't need to address the weaknesses of the scientific theory anymore.

Why I love the Internet ... everyday folks can help everyday folks. Here, sharing info on legislation in Alabama.

Enough is enough for desegregation money in Arkansas?

School bus seat belts get closer in Wyoming.

Illinois' moment of silence law ruled unconstitutional.

Interesting article on sex offenders and school boards.

Schools should teach about the benefits of marriage?

Utah is considering getting rid of its state law on teacher termination.

I always like tax credits for teachers.

Maine legislators are trying to protect athletics from the principal's budget axe.

Washington is closer to remedying their teacher-student sex law problem.

Finally, check out Mark W.'s good work this week on the Supreme Court decisions and I'll have more on the Supreme Court next week. 

Friday Fun: Simulation of air traffic worldwide.

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