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Friday Snippets 12/12/08 - Funding Issues

Arizona's Supreme Court heard arguments in their funding case this week.

Miami-Dade is starting a new school funding suit.

Montana's funding suit takes a set-back.

Missouri is debating whether teachers should retain Social Security in their retirement systems.

Iowa's trying to take a lot of sugar out of their schools.

Salt Lake shows that even when merit pay is approved, it doesn't mean it will be implemented.

A Connecticut bullying case has a strange 16th Century Russian twist.

A Nevada defamation case against a school for complaining about a corporate product.

Pre-employment drug testing is pushed in Texas.

Alabama makes a big investment in videoconferenceing. Like to see that in every school as well.

Mississippi legislation that would remove school board members from under-performing schools still in the works.

Kentucky Community College faculty push back hard against the elimination of tenure proposal.

A state FOIA case against a superintendent in Texas.

Around the Blogosphere:

Scott McLeod has Mike Petrilli (whose work I appreciate more and more) on the edublogosphere.

Jim Gerl asks some provocative questions on whether the due process system is too adversarial.

Finally, Mark Walsh has a good summary of the legal issues this week and since it is a really nice Saturday outside today and my son wants to play, I think I will leave it at that. Be sure to read Scott's two great posts below and I will have more over the next few days on some more interesting issues.

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