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Friday Snippets - 08/29/08 - All Quiet on the Ed. Law Front

It is going to get interesting in Chicago next week. A local representative has reserved a fleet of buses (over 100) to transport as many Chicago Public Schools children as possible to New Trier School District, just north of the city, which is widely regarded as the richest school district in Illinois. (When I taught in Illinois, I too used to make jokes about New Trier).

The NY Times sends a reporter to Harrold, TX (the place where teachers carry guns in school). Like I said earlier, this story is not going away.

A Georgia school has approved 2 Bible Classes.

Nevada's teachers are going to fight their proposed property tax cap in court.

Skip the hearing, keep your teaching license in Alabama, even if you are a registered sex offender (they are suspended, at least).

Around the Ed. Law Blogosphere:

Mark Walsh has details on the 3rd Circuit upholding Penn. homeschooling reporting requirements.

Wrightslaw continues with IEP FAQ's.

Lori Miller Fox does a sequel to her popular "you know you have been a parent of special needs kids too long when..."

And, even though I asked (and was joined by others), McCain advisers did not post anything whatsoever on special education during their time at Eduwonk. I can't say I am surprised. Obama's campaign gave a form response to Jim Gerl this week which didn't address special education at all, so I will ask them next week at Eduwonk, where they are blogging, to give a response on special education as well. We will see how they respond (if at all).

Your Friday Fun:  Since the Internet was not working and I didn't get to show this to my student's last night ... I'll just post it here for all to enjoy ... again.  

Google Document Link: Friday Snippets - 08/29/08

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