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ELA Proposals Due - Extended Deadline

ELA has extended its deadline for proposal submissions until Feb. 15 (it was Jan. 31). I called today to verify because there are some conflicting dates posted, but it is the 15th - rest assured.

Here is the call for proposals.

One great thing about ELA proposals is that it is not a real long proposal to write. In fact, it is basically just a summary of what you are thinking you want to present on. So, it is super easy to submit a proposal.

Secondly, ELA this year is in Louisville ... which is close to me here in Lexington. Although I am not going to be leading any formal outings, I am sure I will take quite a few folks out to eat at the nice places around town.

So ... submit ... and I will see you there.

Reader Comments (1)

let me think about it :D

February 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermusicisall

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