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Edjurist TV Episode 5: Initial Thoughts on Safford Unified School District v. Redding

The Redding case is out today (so is Horne v. Flores, but I'll address that later). Basically, my thoughts on Redding are ... Wahoo ... as I articule in Episode 5.

Here are some other links.

MSNBC reporting.

School Law Blog

ASCD Inservice

And here are all my previous posts:

Thoughts and Resources.

Wins en banc appeal.

Goes to en banc appeal.

Continues to get attention (with video embed).

Original Post (with comment from Savana Redding).


Reader Comments (1)

In sum, there are two reasons that the student win the suit. First, there isn't such big danger to the school. Second, there isn't a reasonable reason for the strip serch. The plain view standard of the exception of 4th amendment doesn't apply to the action of the school's principal here. I thought the judgement is without any doubt.

October 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBin Chi

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