Edjurist TV: Episode 2 - Podcast with Dr. Jesulon Gibbs on Doninger v. Niehoff and Off-Campus Student Speech

Episode 2 is ready. I'm excited about this one because it is with probably my closest friend in the field, Dr. Jesulon Gibbs. It's on Doninger v. Niehoff and off-campus speech generally. I don't have our video problems worked out just yet, but I'll get it another try on the next one (see below for information on the next episode). Enjoy.
Doninger v. Niehoff - Second Circuit
Doninger v. Niehoff - District of Connecticut (first hearing)
Doninger v. Niehoff - District of Connecticut (back from appeal - dismissal on summary judgment).
Harvard Journal of Law and Technology
Dr. Gibbs' Dissertation (university login necessary)
My previous post on this (in the very first Friday Snippets)
Next Episode: Kevin Welner, J.D./Ph.D. on his new book NeoVouchers: The emergence of tuition tax credits for private schooling (Amazon). If there are any questions you would like me to ask, let me know.
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