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Congrats to Dr. Bauries (and UK)

Just got word from Scott, I mean Dr. Bauries, that his dissertation has been successfully defended. He is a newly minted Ph.D. from the University of Florida Department of Educational Administration and Policy with Dr. Craig Wood as his chair - one of the nation's leading school finance experts. Please join me in congratulating Scott, as writing and defending a dissertation is a once in a lifetime experience.  

THREE. That's now the number of J.D./Ph.D.'s in education policy here at the University of Kentucky, as we also just hired Dr. Neal Hutchens, who is a top flight scholar in higher education law and policy. Unless proven otherwise, we are going to say that we are the only place on the planet that can boast such a collection of educational law scholars - and, even though I am part of this deal, I simply cannot wait to see the kinds of projects that such a collection is likely to spurn. 

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