Special Education Dispute Resolution Series at the Special Education Law Blog

Just wanted to point all of you to the special education dispute resolution series of blog posts at the Special Education Law Blog. Jim Gerl and I have worked together in the past and I really respect his knowledge on special education law having long served as a due process hearing officer and now a consultant to states on special education due process issues.
Here are the posts in the series:
1. Dispute Resolution: When Parents and the School Disagree - This post provides a basic overview of IDEA and the possible resolution mechanisms it contains.
2. Dispute Resolution Methods: Part II - This post outlines changes to the dispute resolution process brought about by the IDEIA 2004 revisions and the subsequent regulations and OSEP interpretations.
3. Dispute Resolution Methods: Part III - This post talks about the changes to the mediation option of dispute resolution under IDEA.
4. Dispute Resolution Methods: Part IV - This post begins to address the due process hearing itself, including the qualifications of hearing officers and the statute of limitations.
5. Dispute Resolution Methods Part V - This post continues on the due process hearing itself, including notice of a hearing, amending the complaint/raising new issues, and pro se (unrepresented) parents.
6. Dispute Resolution Methods Part VI - This post continues on the due process hearing itself, including the new stay put provision and the IDEIA 2004 procedural/substantive rulings issue.
7. Dispute Resolution Methods Part VII - In this final installment, Jim provides a tie between IDEA and NCLB, throws in a lot of miscellaneous issues and provides links to additional resources.