Special Education Dispute Resolution Series at the Special Education Law Blog
Thursday, February 7, 2008 at 6:46AM
Justin Bathon in Disabilities-IDEA

Just wanted to point all of you to the special education dispute resolution series of blog posts at the Special Education Law Blog. Jim Gerl and I have worked together in the past and I really respect his knowledge on special education law having long served as a due process hearing officer and now a consultant to states on special education due process issues.

Here are the posts in the series:

1. Dispute Resolution: When Parents and the School Disagree  -  This post provides a basic overview of IDEA and the possible resolution mechanisms it contains.

2. Dispute Resolution Methods: Part II  -  This post outlines changes to the dispute resolution process brought about by the IDEIA 2004 revisions and the subsequent regulations and OSEP interpretations.

3. Dispute Resolution Methods: Part III  -  This post talks about the changes to the mediation option of dispute resolution under IDEA.

4. Dispute Resolution Methods: Part IV  -  This post begins to address the due process hearing itself, including the qualifications of hearing officers and the statute of limitations.

5. Dispute Resolution Methods Part V  -  This post continues on the due process hearing itself, including notice of a hearing, amending the complaint/raising new issues, and pro se (unrepresented) parents.

6. Dispute Resolution Methods Part VI  -  This post continues on the due process hearing itself, including the new stay put provision and the IDEIA 2004 procedural/substantive rulings issue.

7. Dispute Resolution Methods Part VII  -  In this final installment, Jim provides a tie between IDEA and NCLB, throws in a lot of miscellaneous issues and provides links to additional resources.

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (http://edjurist.com/).
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