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Catching Up With Cases

Also, thanks to the Rose timedrain, I have been lax in putting out some important cases that have come down lately. So, let's get them out. 

First, last Friday Pontiac v. Spellings en banc came out of the 6th Circuit. Mark's got the details. It came down in a split decision, meaning the dismissal was affirmed. But, WOW, how close was that? We came 1 6th Circuit judge short of a Supreme Court case directly on NCLB - who knows, with the split decision, maybe the Supreme Court will think about taking it (although I doubt it because they probably collectively like the current result - although surely Scalia and Thomas will push for it). Anyway, this is an important case and I look forward to getting more details out about it soon. Gina, who I discussed this case with earlier in Edjurist TV, will be at ELA and we are planning to discuss the outcome. 

Also, the Colorado Supreme Court saved a school finance suit and sent it to trial in Lobato v. State. Here are some details and here is a analysis from Joshua Dunn at Education Next. This is not a victory for the plaintiff's, but it at least signals that the Supreme Court is interested in having this case heard on the merits. So, we'll see where that goes. 

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