Ain't That a Kick in the Wallet

Illinois is no longer funding regional superintendent positions. Not a huge deal except that they all have continued to work for the past 2 months without pay. And, Friday, a judge told them that's the breaks and thank you for volunteering and you're welcome to continue to do so. The legislature might step in and override the governor, but short of that these educators are out of jobs, practically if not technically.
Of course, guys like this make everyone else look bad :)
Anyway, back on point, as a person who was fond of my regional superintendent while working in Illinois, this is a real shame. Were there too many regions. Probably. Was their bloating and waste at this level? Yeah. But, did Illinois need to eliminate the entire structure? Surely not.
I'm sure the legislature and governor's office will negotiate some new regional structuring, but sometimes Illinois just can't help but embarass itself in the process.