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Academic Job Season Begins - Education Law Job Board

Labor day unofficially marks the beginning of the academic job season in higher  education. Today, for instance, around 20 educational administration jobs were posted at the Chronicle

Since the job season has begun, I have started an educational law academic job board. There are multiple aspects to this page. First, is the job list. There are priority jobs and other jobs. The priority jobs are jobs that are sent directly to me for advertising on this board. These priority jobs will also get posted on the blog, usually in the Friday snippets. People that want to advertise such positions can contact me. The "other jobs" are educational law oriented positions I came across on my own. I am not promising I will find them all, but I hope to find a lot of them because I want to get a sense of the number of academic educational law positions available each year and begin tracking that over time. I will list the university with a link to the search description, the level of the positions (Assistant - Full) and other notes, such as whether J.D. only is acceptable.

Now, I am only linking to positions that specifically state they are interested in having someone with a specialty in law. But, many other positions are more general in nature and may consider a law person. For instance, Vanderbilt posted a couple positions today but did not specify law, even though I know from past conversations they may be interested in a law person if one applied. So, those of you on the job market are encourage to conduct your own searches and seek out particular universities that interest you. Thus, at the bottom of the page, I provide a primer on finding academic positions related to educational law and link to a lot of the academic job boards. Specifically, in obtaining my academic position, I found the UCEA Job Search Handbook to be particularly helpful and I encourage you to use it.

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