Friday Snippets: 6/6/08 - I'm an Anti-Dentite
The LA Teacher's walkout plan referenced a couple posts back, will be going forward as a judge denied an injunction trying to stop it.
The Scopes Monkey Trial will not be reenacted in full
this year in the Dayton, TN courtroom where the first drama played out.
(If anyone around Dayton wants to get that on tape and send it to me, I
would love to feature it in a post).
Sneaking in vouchers in Florida. Tisk, tisk. Also, more evidence that vouchers are the hot policy position for young conservative politicians looking to get elected.
NY Times article on Evolution Opponents new strategy.
Don't you just love how this debate "evolves" - and every single story
or article has to use that metaphor in the first paragraph. Must be
some policy on that I am not aware of. (Also: Rubinstein)
We are now in "sweeping under the rug" mode in the NY Attorney Scandal.
Pennsylvania has a new cyber charter school bill.
Here is a school transfer bill for military families that makes a lot of sense to me.
As a person that hates the dentist, mandatory dental exams for children to enter schools is something that just doesn't sit right for me. (ZzzzzZZZZzzzz ZZZzzz ZZZZZZzzz ... god I have an irrational fear of dentists - see below).
And around the Ed. Law Blogosphere
(any of my new ed. tech. readers are encouraged to visit other members
of our little school law social network that I am working to build):
My new Ed. Tech friends will be interested in Mike Tully's comments on this student blogging speech rights case.
Mark Walsh at the School Law Blog has a rare school elections oriented post (don't see a lot of those, in fact in my three years of blogging, that might be the first).
Jen Weissman this week has her take on Obama's Education policies and schools going green (article link ).
Title IX blog has a $19,000 award against the Massachusetts Athletic Association for not letting a female golfer participate in the boys state final.
Couple weeks ago a teacher let her class "vote" an autistic student out of class. It has been making big waves and Jim Gerl weighs in.
Mitchell Rubinstein has a great resource this week: A 50 State compendium of explanations on Open Meetings Laws.
Pamela Parker has a funny (and concerning) school board member story. Interesting group those school board members.
And Jim Walsh thinks the special ed. opt out in the new DOE proposed regulations is a bad idea.
BoardBuzz has the Choice/SES switch becoming official. I recommended as much a year ago ... what took so long?
And your Friday Fun: I am in a Seinfeld Mood and 2 seem relevant today.
First, given my opposition to dentists ... The Anti-Dentite Episode.
And second, I think I was fired from the Ed. Tech. Blogging Community Yesterday ... if I ever even worked there:
Google Document Link: Friday Snippets: 6/6/08 - I'm an Anti-Dentite
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