Friday Snippets: 6/20/08 - Summer Slowdown Begins
Arizona's Attorney General appeals the earlier unconstitutional vouchers ruling there.
Virginia is reviewing the legality of their school fees. (These are always questionable under state constitutions).\
Quite a little fight shaping up in Florida this fall over the vouchers amendments.
But, Florida is a laboratory for conservative oriented school policies (vouchers, charters, testing). This is why I like federalism - we get to try these things out and see before they go national.
The University of Iowa begins recovering ... thankfully.
2/3 of schools in South Dakota are supporting the school funding lawsuit. (I like when schools take collective action like this).
We are all paying for Nevada's schools.
An agreement in NY to kick out teachers on the sex-offender registry. (Love those NY Post Headlines).
Rumblings that school choice might be back on the agenda in Arkansas.
Here is an idea that is gaining steam ... 4 day work week (+ 4 day school week). I not sure it will go anywhere, but hearing a lot about it lately.
"School anti-bulling emphasis overlooks gays" - in Alabama.
Around the Ed. Law Blogosphere:
Mark Walsh has 2 Supreme Court employment based cases coming down that tangentially affect education. Mark also has
a possible corporal punishment case getting Cert. from the Supremes. I
sort of hope that happens. I think it is time to be done with corporal
punishment. Also, Highly Qualified Teacher Definition Upheld.
Mitchell Rubinstein has more on the Supreme Court labor decisions.
Mitchell also has a link to an interesting text-message privacy case out of the 9th Circuit that I am going to have to read more about.
Michele McNeil has Ed. in 08 gaining momentum with some new members. Roy Romer on the new additions. I am sort of fascinated watching Ed. in 08 picking up steam and I think it is due in no small part to their active courting of the blogosphere.
Obama sort of attacks McCain on education. Not enough to actually inspire an education back and forth, however.
Board Buzz has an overview of the potential legal costs of parent chaperones.
School and Education Law Blog has a guestblogger, Heather Johnson, who writes why corporal punishment is a bad idea.
Charles Fox has a shockingly scary story on school's use of calling child and protective services. Wow. Just wow.
Pete Wright has information on homebound services.
And, Jen Weissman has Hillary Clinton's education take.
And for your Friday Fun: I am already missing my undergrads ... so
... I thought I would post what has become the most popular of their
You Tube projects. This video has been viewed 500 times.
Google Document Link: Friday Snippets: 6/20/08 - Summer Slowdown Begins
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