Students Attacking Teachers - Teachers Running to the Media
Here is an odd story out of Baltimore. A teacher was attacked by a student in the classroom. It was a fairly brutal fight and students stood around and did nothing to intervene. One student, though, did pull out the old cellphone camera and recorded it on video, which later made its way to Youtube. After the fight, the teacher went to the principal who may or may not have blamed the teacher for the fight. Also, apparently, there was some delay in disciplining the student responsible. The teacher has since left the classroom and has said she is scared to return.
Anyway, once the video is found, the teacher's union recommended that this teacher go public with the story and make the media rounds, which she did extensively (see below). She is apparently on a crusade to make schools safer for teachers from students. And because of the media firestorm, there are also calls to get rid of the principal and more.
Just a very odd story. Perhaps not so odd that it happened, but that the union turned this into a publicity stunt. I am not really sure what the purpose of such a media onslaught is in terms of changes to actual working conditions. I guess you can elicit some value in terms of embarrassing the district publicly, but I am not sure how embarrassing the administration and calling for the principal to be fired is going to improve the working conditions in Baltimore's schools. If anything this would seem to damage the working relationship between the teachers, the union and the administration. Perhaps other have thoughts.
Here is the MSNBC Interview that also gives an interview.
Here is Nancy Grace's 4 part story with doctors, 3 lawyers, union reps ... wow: Part I, Part II, Part III (below), Part IV (below). "We want justice, this is wrong."
Here is a CNN Interview as well.
Odd Story. Probably haven't heard the last of this yet either.
Reader Comments (5)
As an educator, it is evident we are failing our young people. It is unlikely that this student has never exhibited similar behavior in the past. Administrators are more concerned with keeping their jobs than defending their teachers. All administrators do not think this way, but the few that do are harmful to education. The administrator in this situation should be reprimanded if she handled the situation in the manner in which the teacher explained on television. It is appalling that the administrator in this situation suggested to the teacher that she provoked the student by telling the student she would defend herself if attacked. No wonder there is a growing teacher shortage, who in their right mind wants to deal with misbehaving students, only to be criticized by the administration later on.
Imcompetence, depleted value system, and inappropriate acts with teachers and students has sent our education system into a downward spiral, with no end in sight.
I say criticize and take your story to the news if your administration is not backing you up. This is not a time for the passive administrator; students will do what they know they can get away with. If this student had behavioral problems in the past and she was not punished appropriately, you are giving her permission to do it again.
This thing is out of control now and both sides are digging in their heels whereas had this not blown up in the media, the parties could have worked together toward a positive outcome.
Thanks for the thoughts, though, Myra. I agree we need to focus more attention on making schools not just safe for students, but also safe for teachers.
I left law enforcement to come into the public school system, only to find out that everyone has an excuse about why they can't do anything. Change can only happen once things are exposed, the truth must come to light. As long as we continue to fool ourselves about the true state of education in the country, this country will continue to lose ground with its global peers.