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April Fools Jokes No Fun For Schools

Since Australia is a few hours ahead of us, they have already had time for an April fools joke to go wrong. A student in a suburb of Melbourne called in a bomb threat as an April fools joke, and even though the administration suspected as much, they still had to evacuate the school, call the police and do the whole thing. The administrator says he does not plan to expel the student, however, as he understands it was just a joke gone wrong.

When I was teaching, April Fools was a day I sort of dreaded. You were on your toes all day because you really didn't know what to expect from them. Luckily, I never had an April Fools joke go horribly wrong. Usually I gullibly fell for some sob story or the other and was embarrassed to the delightment of the kids.

Any administrators or school personnel want to share their best/worst April fools day experience at their school?

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Reader Comments (2)

The kid was very lucky to not being suspended or expelled. I wonder what the percentage of principal and/or districts would treat this as lightly.
April 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Hamm
That was sort of my thought too. I think the kid will get suspended, but not expelled. But, like you said, I wonder how many administrators would be as relaxed about it as this principal was. I am thinking not that many.
April 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJustin B.

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