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ELA Deadline Time Again

For all you out there that REALLY love educational law ... the ELA conference submission deadline is coming up on Feb. 15, so you have less than 10 days to get those proposals in. This years conference is at the Sheraton Gunther in San Antonio, a nice hotel I have been in before (their breakfast buffet was not the best, however, and there is not a lot of open seating space for those cool conversations we get to have with other educational law scholars and practitioners) from Nov. 19-22. I am happy that the ELA convention is back on U.S. soil (and I get to check out the riverwalk again) and it also does not conflict with UCEA, which is 2-3 weeks prior to ELA this year in Orlando. I am debating whether to submit a proposal on integrating educational technology into educational law instruction, or whether to submit a proposal on why I think Morse v. Frederick was a pro-student case (ELA likes you to submit only 1). I will make my decision in the next couple days, but if you think one route is better than the other let me know.

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