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Kiss and Expel

My South Carolina readers will love this one. Two students were expelled for kissing (or allegedly perhaps more) on a school bus in Columbia, SC. We don't have all the facts so it is hard to form an opinion on this one, but if it was just kissing ... it does sound a bit severe for what appears to be otherwise stand-up students.

Any readers in the district or around there care to share the latest rumors (and/or facts) floating around this one?

UPDATE: According to the ABA Journal, the parents of the expelled students are going to challenge the school board's decision in Court. So, we should be hearing more from this case.

Reader Comments (2)

The first thing that pops in my mind is that there is a code on my discipline database for inappropriate affection. I think the action between these two students would fall into this category. Ask yourself this, would the discipline and the handling of the offense be treated differently if the PDA was between two members of the same sex. Would a homosexual act be treated the same way that a PDA between two honor students??? I am sure that we would all like to say yes but I am not so sure!
January 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Hamm
As I reread the article it just provoked me to write another comment. I understand that the students were doing more than just kissing. If it was an incident of indecent exposure then wouldn't these students be expected to be expelled. I honestly believe that parents would not "raise a fuss" if they knew the whole truth. The school officials were trying to now create a frenzy and embarrass the students any more than needed. The students have a right to privacy if they did not "break a law" and were not charged with a crime.
January 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Hamm

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