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Things You Didn't Know About the Pledge

Here is a short video showing you 10 things you didn't know about the Pledge of Allegiance. It has some cool facts in it and of course refers to Newdow. I also want to use this opportunity to point out AfterEd, which is a channel on education broadcast out of Teacher's College, Columbia University (anyone want to know why they are the top ranked school of ed in the U.S. - it's because they do innovative stuff like this). It is a great Web 2.0 idea and they also welcome user generated content. Kudos there to everyone working on this project and perhaps I will submit some legal content in the future (wouldn't it be cool to have a monthly educational law chat with leaders in the field and policymakers?).

Anyway, enjoy this video on 10 things you didn't know about the Pledge. I certainly did:

Reader Comments (4)

I was very surprised at the information in the video, especially the part where students could be taken to jail for failing to observe the pledge at least once a week. Each time I speak the words of the pledge, they will be truer to my heart knowing why each part was added. I love the USA!!
January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThomasina
This was a wonderful and enlightening example of how we as Americans routinely go through rituals without a true understanding of the content and meaning. I found it fascinating that the salute was originally a straight arm salute but was changed due to the resemblance of the Nazi Germany salute to Hilter. I always find it interesting how people's actions are sometimes led by others. Why did we have to change? Wouldn't the American salute "win out" over time and be recognized worldwide as the American salute and not that of a evil man? Little things like that intrigue me but I do understand why we had to change and I am glad that we did. Another interesting fact was that in some states a person can be found criminally negligent if they did not observe the flag at least once a week. WOW, could you imagine that case going before a jury?? The world today has changed and we as a people, change with it. Let me end with this, "I pledge............."
January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Hamm
This was a wonderful and enlightening example of how we as Americans routinely go through rituals without a true understanding of the content and meaning. I found it fascinating that the salute was originally a straight arm salute but was changed due to the resemblance of the Nazi Germany salute to Hilter. I always find it interesting how people's actions are sometimes led by others. Why did we have to change? Wouldn't the American salute "win out" over time and be recognized worldwide as the American salute and not that of a evil man? Little things like that intrigue me but I do understand why we had to change and I am glad that we did. Another interesting fact was that in some states a person can be found criminally negligent if they did not observe the flag at least once a week. WOW, could you imagine that case going before a jury?? The world today has changed and we as a people, change with it. Let me end with this, "I pledge............."
January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Hamm
Wow!!! There are definitely some things that I did not know about the Pledge of Allegiance. It is very interesting to see how our country arrived at what is now recited in over 30 states within the United States of America. It is also a daily reminder.......that eventhough law-makers and those who pledge themselves to be "one Nation under God", their actions oftentimes reflect otherwise.
January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJudith V. Jones

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