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Now here is a good idea: WiFi on Busses

Check out this cool idea ... WiFi on school busses. And not just WiFi, but also courses complete with online tests. Now, I know there is a lot that could go wrong with this just like with anything else, but I can't tell you how happy I would have been surfing the web or doing courses while on the bus (I was the first to be picked up and usually had a 60 min. bus ride). Nice idea and hopefully coming soon to a bus near you.

Reader Comments (1)

This is a good and innovative idea for students and their overall success. However, the safety of the students must not be forgotten. A portion of the funding for this innovative idea should be set aside for more adult bus monitors. We must remember that we are still dealing with young people, who sometime engage in inmature behavior. It's important for the overall safety of everyone that more supervision be on buses if this type of technology will be available.
January 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMyra Key

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