More on House Bill

Just thought I would post some of the initial analysis that is coming out on the House bill to reauthorize NCLB (check back, this post will be updated as more analysis becomes available):
David Hoff at Education Week as a Cheat Sheet for the Bill.
Andrew Rotherham at Eduwonk has early word that teachers unions are displeased and Ed Trust is not pleased with the accountability provisions.
Here is the Education Trust Statement on the Draft.
Bob Wise at the Alliance for Excellent Education likes it.
Sherman Dorn is not happy about the short discussion timeline (and he has a legitimate point).
Jim Horn thinks we should email the Congressmen to scrap the whole law.
Joanne Jacobs explains a little about the law and tells you where to send comments.
Secretary Spellings does a Q&A with USA Today on NCLB Issues.
The Cato Institute has a very 70's-esque disco ball analysis of NCLB and wants to expose the Federal Government's poor, at least in their opinion, job of running education.
More to come ...
Whatever you have to say about NCLB and this draft in particular, now is the time to let your voice be heard. Whether you like it or dislike it and especially if you have specific suggestions, your Congressional Representative would love to hear about it. This may be shaping up to be an extremely important time for education in the United States, so everyone has to do their part. For most of us, this means reading the bill (or at least the summary) and making your voice heard. The more input Congress gets on this bill (especially from educators) the more accurately the bill will reflect your everyday realities. So, SPEAK UP! NOW IS THE TIME.

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