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George Miller Making NCLB Waves

While I was away at the annual conference of the National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA), or more accurately sitting in traffic around Chicago, George Miller was busy making NCLB waves. The Adjunct Law Prof Blog has more on it here. And here is an additional link to a Washington Post story on it. Apparently, he supports broadening the factors upon which school accountability is determined, which is not sitting well with some other Republicans.

In response Secretary Spellings said:

“While we all hope to see action on reauthorization soon, a
comprehensive bill that has bipartisan support and holds firm to the
goal of every child reading and doing math on grade level by 2014 is
worth the wait.”
So, the prolonging of the fight over NCLB seems more certain than ever. By next spring, both parties will have nominees and any serious debate over education will be as far back on the backburner as the parties can put it. Seems as though schools will have to live without any changes for a while longer - but, as Secretary Spellings so accurately puts it, in the end, for schools, if a different administration is in power it may be worth the wait.

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