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Bring Your Own Paper and Pencils: Not in West Virginia

The West Virginia State Board of Education has made it official policy that schools provide everything that is essential to education, which includes items traditionally left to parents to provide such as pencils and paper.

State Superintendent of Schools Steve Paine said any textbooks, paper,
writing utensils and other materials that are an “integral, fundamental
part of the elementary and secondary education” must be provided free.
Link to Charleston Gazette

When people work in a business office or other industry, they are not expected to provide their own supplies, so why should we demand that students provide their own supplies? I like this move on the part of West Virginia. Sure, it will cost a little more, but there is something wrong about all the policies that require students to bring their own materials or to pay textbook fees or lab fees, etc. The things that are essential to education should be provided at the expense of the public, it is that simple. Nice job West Virginia. Let's hope other states notice.

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