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Some Video on Morse v. Frederick & Parents Involved in Community Schools

Here are some recent video and blogs that have been posted
about the Morse v. Frederick case and the two K-12 Affirmative Action cases.

Morse v. Frederick

ACLU Video of Activities Outside Supreme Court on Day Case Was Argued.

Jim Lehrer

Some good blog entries: Eugene Volokh and Orin Kerr's back and forth at the Volokk Consipracy really gets at the heart of the issue.

Seattle & Louisville School Assignment Cases

Jim Lehrer

Jim Lehrer: Analysis of Current Supreme Court Issues (Includes Goodwin Liu) Can Schools Still Achieve Diversity

Some good blog entries: Balkinization, Is that Legal?, Dorf on Law 

Finally, Richard Cohen (a center-left columnist
for the Washington Post) wrote this Op-Ed column Tuesday that concerns
both the recent race-based admissions cases as well as the democratic
positions on education. I found it moldly interesting and would like to
see other reactions.

Did I miss some? Post as a comment.

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