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UCEA Liveblogging: Evaluating Educational Leadership

The Taskforce on Evaluating Educational Leadership meeting went well today. Dr. Robert Kottkamp, who was largely responsible for the formating of the taskforce, gave a compelling reflection on how much progress the educational leadership field has made in just a few years. Efforts to evaluate educational leadership are underway in several states. Some states, such as Utah, are now past the initial stages and are developing subsequent studies to gain even more detail into leadership outcomes. It is always nice to sort of look back on the amount of work that is done over time. We get caught up in the day to day battles and tend to lose sight of the bigger picture. That is not to say there is still not a lot of hard work ahead of us in evaluating educational leadership preparation. As much as I was struck by Dr. Kottkamp's presentation, I was more struck by the amount of work still to be done.

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