Proud of Administrators
Check out this C-Span Q&A interview
with Loni Soderberg. Loni is a vice-principal in San Deigo. The
interview covers various topics from NCLB to school policies to teacher
training and lots of stuff in between.
I must say, this Edjurist was very proud of Loni's performance in the
interview. Not only was she pretty well up to speed on the legal and
policy issues (which of course makes this Edjurist proud) but she was a
wonderful representation of what is going right in the schools. She was
kindness personified, even in light of some very challenging and
questions, and you just knew you kids were safe with her, even though
California and the federal government rate her school as failing.
This would be a great interview to use in an administrator education
class or just as a pick me up when you are feeling down about
education. Kudos Loni.
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