New Texas School Finance Case
Friday, October 14, 2011 at 12:17PM
Scott Bauries in Finance, Legal Framework, Scott Bauries

I don't have access to the court documents yet, so I can't give a full analysis at this time, but a coalition of plaintiffs has filed a new school finance challenge in Texas.  Details here

A couple of initial points based on the linked story.  First, this is not a part of the longstanding Edgewood v. Kirby litigation, the last iteration of which was decided by the Texas Supreme Court in 2005.  It is a new case.  Second, it is difficult to be sure from the summary, but the claims appear to be based more on "equity" theories than on "adequacy" theories, though there is a nod to adequacy at the end of the story. 

Any readers with more specific information are invited to comment. 

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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