Utah & Feds Just Can't Get Along
Monday, September 14, 2009 at 11:58AM
Justin Bathon in Policy-NCLB, department of education, office of education, testing penalities, utah

One of the reasons I really like Utah is its open defiance of the federal government on some issues. Today, for instance, the Department of Education slapped a penalty on Utah's Office of Education for failing to use the right test in a couple districts. Not a huge deal, but indicative of the frequently contentious nature of the relationship. Just like a classroom, with 50 states you know one of them is going to act out from time to time. Who knew it would be such a conservative, religious and normally quiet state. 

h/t - @markkerr

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (http://edjurist.com/).
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