Tuition Increase Outrage? Or not.
Monday, March 21, 2011 at 7:56PM
Justin Bathon in Higher Education, Justin Bathon, arizona, higher education, tuition

Why is there not more public outrage at some of the tuition increases going on this year? Arizona announced today a proposed 22 percent increase. My friend Jon Becker told me on twitter that VCU has that beat - and that the governor is now punishing them for it. Even lesser universities are raising tuition substantially. Here at UK our increases have been more modest, but we are still outpacing inflation by a wide margin. The recent book DIY-U apparently documents it well and has better numbers. 

Anyway, where are the Congressional Investigations? Where are the attorney generals? Where are the public hearings? Where are the protests on the University steps? Where are the documentary films? Where are the YouTube videos? In short, where is the outrage

Are we so accustomed to these dramatic tuition increases that no one even bothers to complain anymore? 

It just makes me so sad to see us as a society passing on nearly all of the debt of running our higher educational system onto the future backs of our students - who will spend half their life just trying to get out from underneath it. 

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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