Those dang open meetings. 
Monday, March 23, 2009 at 10:37AM
Justin Bathon in Governance, NSBA, open meeting act instrutional videos, open meetings laws, school board open meeting act violations, sunshine laws

School boards really struggle with the Open Meeting Laws (sometimes called Sunshine Laws). Like this one in Iowa (h/t S.M.).

Here is a compendium of every state's Open Meetings laws.  

Also, most states have a handbook on Open Meetings laws for new board members and most are online. NSBA has some of them here. 

This strikes me as a great opportunity for an instructional video in states. Law firms could really help themselves here because one of the first things a new board member would watch is an instructional video with your name on it. Just saying ... 

Article originally appeared on The Edjurist - Information on School and Educational Law (
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